EFT - Extended Family Teaching Program
Become part of family life!
A host family integrates an individual into their daily life, provides a private bedroom, and life experiences that meet CCO’s high standards of engagement, ongoing teaching, and high participation in the home and community. Extended Family Teachers contract with CCO to provide services, and receive extensive and ongoing training and certification, as well as daily oversight and support.
Interested in becoming an EFT?

FTM - Family Teaching Model
Personalized living in your own home!
Three individuals with disabilities share a three-bedroom duplex, with home managers living next door and round the clock teaching and support staff to maintain primarily a 2:3 ratio. All staff in the home is certified within one year and every year after. To ensure quality of the Family Teaching Model teachers receive consistent ongoing training and observation. The FTM model is also includes our day services program, CommUniversity.
FTM Housing
FTM homes are located in
Los Gatos
San Jose

Interested in working as an FTC