All CCO programming is designed to support individuals with developmental disabilities in leading safe, successful, enriching lives in their local communities and in their own homes. CCO’s philosophy and core values reflect a commitment to human dignity; an exceptional quality of life; ongoing growth and learning; individual and legal rights; and a spirit of energy, hope, and determination. CCO applies this philosophy in all areas, including the development of staff who assist the individuals we serve in achieving their fullest human potential.
CCO is committed to the following core values:
Using the least restrictive, age appropriate strategies consistent with the developmental needs and objectives of persons served;
Utilizing an interdisciplinary team approach to the provision of services to persons with developmental disabilities and their families;
Using person-first language and actions and protecting the rights of persons who have disabilities;
Encouraging and providing opportunities for strengthening and developing relationships between persons served and family, support staff, friends, coworkers, roommates, and other members of their community;
Striving to meet the highest standards in our provision of services;
Using the community and naturally-occurring opportunities as primary resources for teaching people and promoting acceptance of persons served within the community;
Increasing the quality of life of each person served so they achieve greater independence and continuous movement toward their most preferred lifestyle;
Person-centered planning and services, and assuring that persons served by CCO have the option of making informed choices in all aspects of their lives.
Renewing lives and strengthening abilities of adults with disabilities through authentic teaching
A purposeful life for all